At 55 kilo­me­ters of Domaine d’Es­per­basque lies the Atlantic Ocean with its beaches.

On the coast of the Pyre­nees Atlan­tiques you will find inter­est­ing Basque cities such as Biar­ritz and St Jean de Luz and beau­ti­ful beach­es with high waves where you can swim and surf.

Ondres, Hossegor & Capbreton

Ondres, Hossegor and Cap­bre­ton are three cities on the coast of the coun­ty Les Lan­des”. These beach­es are less crowd­ed and have high waves.


Bay­onne is the cap­i­tal of the Basque Coun­try and also a meet­ing point of cul­tures. The city has, dur­ing its 2000 years, man­aged to main­tain a thriv­ing trade, around its har­bour, fortress and large cathe­dral. Bay­onne has many beau­ti­ful build­ings, a busy nightlife and restau­rants. Go on an adven­ture along the nar­row streets and dis­cov­er the pleas­ant sur­pris­es of this city.


Biar­ritz, the city where the Atlantic Ocean always shows her beau­ty. One can find great beach­es, some­times huge waves and a cli­mate which is great for swim­mers as well as surfers. Biar­ritz is seen as the surf­ing cap­i­tal of Europe, with good rea­son: in 1957 the first Euro­pean surfers went surf­ing those waves.

Stroll along the prom­e­nade, enjoy an ice cream at one of the ter­races, and go shop­ping in the down­town area.

In the love­ly coastal sur­round­ings, thanks to the mild cli­mate, you can play golf or relax in the var­i­ous thallasso-centres.


In Saint-Jean-de-Luz, you can enjoy the sea and dis­cov­er the coun­try­side. The geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion is ide­al for those who love adven­ture: vis­it the beach­es, har­bour, rivers, forests, val­leys and moun­tains. Plunge into its his­to­ry and his­tor­i­cal sites. Go look at crafts, local prod­ucts and eat out at one of the many restau­rants. Vis­it the rail­way at La Rhune’, the first moun­tain of the Pyre­nees’ chain.

This region is known among surfers because of the Bel­har­ra-Per­dun’ waves of 8 to 12 metres, which occur about once a year. Watch the video!

Cor­niche Basque

Between Saint Jean de Luz and Hen­daye you find a coastal area called Cor­niche Basque’, this pro­tect­ed area is known for its steep cliffs, diverse nature and breath­tak­ing views: the Basque coast, the ocean, the Pyre­nees (la Rhune) and the Span­ish coast.


Hen­daye is locat­ed in the Basque Coun­try next to the Span­ish bor­der. It has a beach which is rec­om­mend­ed for small­er children.