The camp­site con­sists of five fields with spa­cious pitch­es and superb views over the hills. These fields all have their char­ac­ter and name. They are sep­a­rat­ed, so each field has its unique view.

The camp­site is open from the 1st of April to the 31st of Octo­ber. Most of our oth­er accom­mo­da­tion options are avail­able all year round. 


The park (Field A)

A flat ter­rain shad­ed by mature trees, suit­able for large car­a­vans, camper vans and tents. The first half is near the entrance, rid­ing school, bar and san­i­tary block. The field has views over the tram­po­lines and the pool, espe­cial­ly suit­able for fam­i­lies with car­a­vans accom­pa­nied by a small tent. The pitch­es are spa­cious, 100m².

The Hill (Field B)

This field is only suit­able for tents — beau­ti­ful ter­raced areas locat­ed under the trees, over­look­ing the val­ley and Salies-de-Béarn.

The pitch­es range from 85 — 100m².

The Oak (Field C)

Suit­able for both car­a­vans and tents. A plateau sur­round­ed by ter­races over­look­ing the val­ley and the Sheep Mead­ow’ in the east. Some paved areas are ide­al for (large) camper vans.

The Sheep Mead­ow (Field D)

The ter­rain suits tents, car­a­vans and camper vans — a plateau sur­round­ed by ter­races. The field is sun­ny but with shade from the trees. It lies near a wood­ed area, over­look­ing the hills in the east and west.

The Vine­yard (Field E)

Next to the hill lies the Vine­yard, a plateau near the rid­ing school. Suit­able for tents and car­a­vans. It is a qui­et and sun­ny loca­tion with a unique view over the val­ley to the south and the Pyre­nees on clear days.

The Vine­yard con­sists of 3 pitch­es over 100m².