Ever won­dered what is feels like to breathe under­wa­ter while defy­ing gravity?

Our pool is per­fect­ly fit­ted for your first scu­ba div­ing expe­ri­ence, our PADI dive­mas­ter from Scu­ba Dive Adven­tures will teach you all the basics before div­ing in! Read more about your first dive here.

Eager to learn more? The ocean is at less than an hour dri­ve, you can get your PADI Open Water with­in only three days!

We offer div­ing expe­ri­ences and cours­es from May to Octo­ber, whether you come over with your fam­i­ly or friends, or plan­ning some­thing as a busi­ness or sports club, don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us for more infor­ma­tion about the cours­es and accom­mo­da­tion.