There are var­i­ous activ­i­ties orga­nized at the camp­site, every day there is some­thing to do!

Go ahead! Swim in the pool, jump on the tram­po­lines, ride the go-carts, table ten­nis, bad­minton, foot­ball, bas­ket­ball, vol­ley­ball, play in the hay, darts, games in the bar.

The Pool

For a refresh­ing swim you can use our brand new pool.

With a deep area (1m80), a shal­low area (0m40) and a major play area (1m10), every­one can play, relax and sun­bathe on site!

Tram­po­lines, go-karts, sandpit

There is a large and a small tram­po­line. The tram­po­lines are also very pop­u­lar as a hang­out” … You don’t want to jump, but you’d rather ride a lap in one of the go-karts? These are free to use and you will always find them near the bar. Beside the pool you will find the sand­pit, swings.

For young and old­er, there is some­thing to do for everyone!


Skill­ful with a ball? The sports field (soc­cer, vol­ley­ball and bas­ket­ball) and two table ten­nis tables (inside) are freely avail­able. Show how good you are at one of the tournaments.


Throw a ball with your fel­low campers on one of our pétanque courts and be chal­lenged to par­tic­i­pate in the week­ly tournament.

Cud­dling with the animals

For those who do not want to ride hors­es, they can be hugged and cud­dled when they are in the sta­bles. We also have rab­bits, who just love to be cud­dled, some­times there are more chil­dren than rab­bits in the pen!


Enjoy and help build­ing the campfire.


Laat zien dat je een echte Robin Hood bent tij­dens een schietwedstrijd.


Iedere week wordt er een kinderdis­co geor­gan­iseerd. Als er vraag naar is organ­is­eren wij dis­co avon­den uit­slui­tend voor de oud­ers, alti­jd een succes!


Feel com­plete­ly relaxed and pam­pered by an Ayurvedic mas­sage, the masseur Pierre-Marie comes week­ly to the campsite.


Every Sat­ur­day there is a dif­fer­ent activ­i­ty. If you have your own ideas or feel like orga­niz­ing some­thing, you can!

Some exam­ples: tal­ent show, haunt­ed trail, trea­sure hunt, ladies night …


Do you want to learn how to ride or enjoy a beau­ti­ful out­door trek? You can! More infor­ma­tion about horse-riding.