Through­out his­to­ry the area has had many con­tacts with Spain: the Span­ish Basque Coun­try is three times as large as the French part.

San Sebas­t­ian

San Sebas­t­ian is a Span­ish coastal city with influ­ences from the Gold­en Age. It has an exten­sive cul­tur­al agen­da with inter­na­tion­al jazz and film fes­ti­vals. In addi­tion, San Sebas­t­ian is famous for its pin­tx­os (tapas). It is won­der­ful to stroll down the old streets with local Spaniards to eat at dif­fer­ent tapas bars. About 100km from the campsite


Pam­plona was in the Mid­dle Ages the cap­i­tal of an empire that stretched far beyond the Pyre­nees. In the 16th cen­tu­ry Pam­plona, was like most of the king­dom of Navarre, incor­po­rat­ed in Spain. The city is famous world­wide for the San Fer­mín fes­ti­val, from July 6 to 14, in which the run­ning of the bulls is one of the main attractions.

About 160km from the campsite


Bil­bao is the largest city of the Span­ish Basque Coun­try. Here you will find one of the five Guggen­heim Muse­ums in the world, Museo Guggen­heim Bil­bao.

About 200km from the campsite